Monday, March 16, 2009

Week 11 - Spring is Officially Here!

[knock on wood] I believe Spring weather is here--and hopefully it's here to stay! This Friday the 20th is the first official day of Spring, so hopefully I'm right! Today (3/16) it's suppose to be in the low-to-mid 70s so I cannot wait to get out and run. I spent a good amount of yesterday compliling my running playlist into one long MP3 with audio intervals telling when to run and walk in accordance to my Couch-2-5K program... I'm excited to get out and try it today! It was a lot of work but it will really help out--and I won't have to run w/ a stop watch! My cousin Megan joined me for my 'run' today and I must say the program really worked well. On the way back Megan and I took a breather and chatted a bit--it's nice to have someone to run with but I'm not sure how well our chattiness does for our exercise. If only we could figure out telepathy. ;)

On Friday the 20th, the legion in Ashland had a special catfish fry that my family attended. It was fun spending some more time together. The pictures of this week (below) are from the fish fry. Dean was hoping to make it but got behind at work and since he's still in Grand Island he wouldn't have gotten there in time.

On Saturday I had to run some errands, and of course while out had to buy Twilight since it came out on DVD. As I was walking away I passed the magazines and noticed that they had a copy of The Knot (the magazine I work on) on newstands so of course I had to take a picture (see below). Later that day Dean and I went to see 'I Love You, Man', which was great--I thought at least. And then we settled into our routine--Dean watched March Madness and I watched Twilight. :-)

Dean heads off to Grand Island again tomorrow but this week should be a short one--fingers crossed! However his co-worker that lives in Grand Island is expecting his first child at the end of this month so it looks like Dean will be going back for a bit after that happens. Oh well, it's good overtime. Gotta love silver linings. ;-)

3.15.09 - 3.21.09