Friday, January 30, 2009

Week 4 - The Way To My Heart... Salsa!

Awww, Dean told me last week that he was sending me something from New Mexico and I come home today (Jan 30th) to find a box on our porch, the makings of the picture for Week 4!! He sent me my favorite Trader Joe Pineapple Salsa, some Tiffany blue candles (they smell sooooooooo good), and a beautiful bracelet! I'm very lucky to be his wife b/c although these things might not sound like much to others, these are all things very dear to me so that makes them even more special!

Dean was supposed to be home late this week but little by little things started going awry down in New Mexico, and one of the delays actually made news on CNN! On January 27th CNN broke news that a FedEx plane crashed in Lubbox, TX near where Dean is in NM. After reading this at work I teased with coworkers that "great, my gifts that he sent me are probably on that plane!" Although they weren't, ironically all the testing he had done that week was supposed to be on the plane (should it have landed, loaded, and taken off again). So that meant they had to re-sample a few days worth. So that'll teach me to joke about things like that! Anyway, here is a screenshot of part of the story on CNN. (click to make it bigger)

1.25.09 - 1.31.09